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Group Coaching

When you scroll through your messages with friends or coworkers, do the same nagging frustrations seem to surface again and again from the sea of memes, emojis, and inside jokes? Maybe...

  • you could use some help navigating tricky dynamics and difficult personalities at work with assertiveness or conflict coaching.
  • you want to write a book or launch a business but keep putting it on the backburner, stop and start without intention, or just don't know where to begin. 
  • you are single and looking for tools and insights to equip you for future relationships.
  • you're preparing for a big transition, like marriage, first-time parenthood, entering the job market or shifting roles/industries, and you need help navigating the changes and planning your next moves.

Group coaching allows you to explore a common topic of interest in a small group setting on Zoom (usually 1-2 times a month) with the option for individual weekly email support to process your specific questions and goals.

You get the best of both worlds: a sense of community AND personalization, plus you save over the cost of individual coaching. 

Pricing varies based on the size of your group, frequency and duration of meetings, etc.  

For a more general overview of what coaching is and how it can help you reach your goals, click here.  

Contact me to discuss group coaching


Note: Group coaching sessions are educational in nature and are NOT intended to be therapy. If you consider yourself in distress, or if you have concerns related to abuse, infidelity, addiction, or mental health, please contact me for a list of local counseling/therapy resources that may be helpful to you, or visit BetterHelp or The Gottman Referral Network.

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